Governor Profiles
Mrs Gemma di-Lella
Chair of Full Governing Body
Term of Office: 2021 – 2025
Co-opted Governor
elected by the FGB
Member of the Resources and Standards Committee
Mr Alan Passey
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 2022 – 2026
Co-opted Governor
elected by the FGB
Member of the Resources and Standards Committee
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 2022 – 2026
Co-opted Governor
elected by the FGB
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Foundation Governor
Term of Office: (no term length applies)
Member of the
Ethos Committee
Ex-officio foundation Governor appointed by
the Gloucestershire Diocesan Board of Education
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: tbc
Foundation Governor
elected by the parents
Member of the Ethos Committee
Amy Durban
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: tbc
Foundation Governor
elected by the FGB
Member of the Resources and Standards Committee
Local Authority Governor
Term of Office:
Local Authority Governor
appointed by the Full Governing Body
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Mr Alex Ballard
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 2021 – 2025
Parent Governor
elected by the parents
Member of
Resources and Standards Committee
Laura Goodhall
Parent Governor
Term of Office: tbc
Parent Governor
elected by the parents
Member of the Resources and Standards Committee
Alex Hemns
Parent Governor
Term of Office: tbc
Parent Governor
elected by the parents
Member of the Ethos Committee
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Mrs Gemma di-Lella
I was elected as a Parent Governor in January 2018 before becoming the Vice Chair of Governors in September 2018. My roles include the EFYS Governor and I am a member of the Resources Committee. I decided to become a Parent Governor as I’m committed to helping the school drive forward by building an environment that allows every child to grow and have the school journey they deserve. In my professional life, I work in the financial sector delivering strategic solutions to combat Financial Crime. I hope my professional skills will be useful to my fellow Governors and Kempsford school.
Mr Alex Ballard
I have two children in The Hive, one in Reception and another in Pre-School. I have spent ten years working in education in a Lecturing and Management role and am now a Performance Manager working with Team GB. I’m committed to supporting the staff, Governors and pupils at school and particularly interested in the further development of Sport, Music, Arts and Drama.
Mr Andrew Doherty
I became a Governor at Kempsford in 2006 and was Chair of Governors from 2012 until 2017. I have long-standing family connections to primary education and when my eldest daughter started at Kempsford Primary School I wanted to become more involved in the school. A child’s first experience of school instils a love of learning and establishes the key skills that they will use throughout their life; primary education is vital and it is a privilege to be part of that at Kempsford Primary School.
Foundation Vacancy
Ms Laura Goodhall
I was elected as a Parent Governor in 2023
Rev’d John Partington
I have lived in Kempsford since 1986 and became part of the Open the Book team in 2014 when I retired from a working life spent mostly with British Telecom in their purchasing/logistics department. I have also been involved with Prayer Spaces since the first one in 2014. I particularly enjoy encouraging the children’s creativity, whilst helping them develop spiritual awareness. I was approached earlier this year to consider becoming a Governor and, after giving it a lot of thought, I agreed to put myself forward. I look forward to developing as a team member and being part of this fantastic school.
Mrs Ruth Gray
Community life is very important to me. I hope to use my experience of village life, my involvement in the school as a parent and my previous professional experience as a Solicitor to assist and support the school, its staff and the governing body. I have 2 children at the school and we have lived in Kempsford since 2002. Since then, I have been actively involved in the community as a member of the village hall committee and a member of the Weymouth Educational Trust. I currently teach French at Kempsford School in a voluntary capacity.
Mr Alan Passey
After a management career in commercial logistics and business-to-business services Alan “retired” to become a guitar builder. Hailing from Derbyshire he moved to Kempsford in 2009 when, Fi, his wife, took up a new role with Nationwide in Swindon.
Since moving here he was instrumental in promoting the two Literary Festivals that were held recently. An experience he describes as great fun and the perfect way for a “newbie” to become part of the community.
Alan was previously a Governor at a secondary school in the Midlands and is looking forward to helping the school and its pupils achieve their potential.
Staff Governors
Mr Joe Dickens
Previous Governors & Vacancies
Previous Governors
Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months:
- Mr David Hamlet
- Mr Roger West
- Ms Liz Shimma
- Mrs Ann O’Hara
- Mrs Myra Sheppard
No Vacancies
We currently have two Parent Governor and one Foundation Governor positions available
If you are interested please email our Chair of Governors at: or contact our Clerk at: