
Kempsford Church of England Primary School requires the wearing of school uniform.  We have a standard all year round uniform with an optional variation for the summer time.

School uniform can be ordered directly through our new supplier The T-Shirt Studio

To Order – click

Please ensure that all clothing, footwear and belongings are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Our current uniform policy states that it is not a requirement for pupils to wear uniform embroidered with the school logo, but that it is a preference, as our uniform shows that the children are part of Kempsford Church of England Primary School.

Gold open-necked polo shirt
Grey skirt or pinafore dress
Grey tailored trousers (no jeans)
Green, grey or black tights
Bottle green gingham/striped dress
 Gold open-necked polo shirt
Grey trousers or shorts (no jeans)
All Children (FS2 – Yr6)
Bottle green jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan
White or grey socks
Dark coloured sturdy shoes or sandals
Bottle green fleece

As well as the above uniform, additional clothing is required for a number of activities:

The Hive FS1 (preschool)
Red T-shirt
P.E. and Games
White T-shirt or white logo polo shirt
Black shorts (not cycling ones)
Tracksuit – Bottle Green
(for outdoor activities in the cold weather)
Plimsolls/Daps (Black or White) or clean, non-marking training shoes.
Swimming (Yr5/6 only)
One piece swimming costume for girls
Trunks or proper swimming shorts (not knee length) for boy