Welcome back to what is going to be a very busy half term. We held a very successful Open Classroom and Art Gallery event at the end of last term. Each classroom had lots of visitors both current parents and prospective parents. It was lovely to see a gallery displaying all the art children had produced over the term and to see the progress in skills that children make from Nursery to Year 6. If this is something you missed and would like to see – please come and ask. Our next event is Wednesday 11th December where classrooms will be open for parents to come and see the DT work produced this term.
To start our teamwork with the other local small school Class 3 had a visit to Hatherop Church of England School for a session focused on Spirituality. They discussed an inner sense of connection to people, a connection to the world, and how there are events that are, beyond human control or explanation.
They identified OWS, WOWS and NOWS.
OWS: Things or times when that makes you feel crumpled or flat or miserable.
WOWs: Things or times that are so exciting and amazing that you feel you could burst with joy.
NOWs: Being completely aware of the moment they are in – and this too can feel special.
At the end of last term we had an item brought in from home that was unsuitable to be in school. It was dealt with in the correct manner but I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents to be extra vigilant with items coming into school. If there is an item your child would like to show to the class or whole school please check with either the class teacher or myself.
I would like to welcome Laura Goodhall to the team. A massive thank you to the staff for working as a team and covering after school club between them to ensure the sessions could still run. We look forward to having Laura as part of the Kempsford Team.
Friday, November 8th, is National STEM Day. National STEM Day is an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Miss Baker has organised a fun-filled day on which children will have the opportunity to work with BeeBots, Knex, Microbits, and Circuits and have a whole-school assembly delivered by Renishaw. I am sure they will return home on Friday full of lots of excitement from the day.
Monday 11th November marks the start of National Anti-bullying Week. We are supporting this by taking part in Odd Socks Day, on Tuesday 12th Nov, which highlights the need to respect difference. The children are invited to wear odd socks on this day in support of this initiative. Each class will take part in activities over the course of the week linked to Ant-bullying.
Children in Need 15th November Wear Spots Day or Non-School Uniform for £1. The theme this year is ‘be SPOTacular’.
December sees many events. Starting with the school fair on Friday 13th December. Each class will be running a stall to raise some individual money for something of their choice – this will be included in the adverts out next week. On Friday 29th November please donate a bottle for the Christmas Fair- please give generously. As a thank you for donations, children may wear their own clothes to school this day.
Head Teacher